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Did You Say Nudes?

The Fine art of nude photography and Erotica is not something modern but a progressing form of art. It is there as a representation of the beauty of the human body, with all its perfections and imperfections whilst also there to tease all our secret erotic desires. We all have them, we just tend to prefer keeping them private which is not really a bad thing.



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You may be asking as to who would normally ask for a fine art nude shoot or works of erotica? You would be surprised but there are quite a few answers for this. A fine art nude shoot can be therapeutic to a lot of people. You do tend to meet people who feel insecure about their looks and a shoot such as this tends to give them that much self-esteem especially as soon as they see the results of the work. Other clients just really enjoy the thrill of going for something which is completely different to what they are used to doing it. Other clients can be using a form of nudity for commercial reasons, but mostly you these artworks are collected, well by collectors. Fine Art Prints tend to be ordered online or a particular shoot with a particular theme can Be commissioned so that it can be added to their collection.


I am always in look for models who are comfortable to pose for fine art nudes and erotica. If you are one of the said models who would like a model job on one of my assignments please contact me and I will keep your details at hand for any upcoming work.

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